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 "The destination of this journey is psychological freedom."

My appetite for psychological manipulation is vast. You, O Religion, are as a grain of salt onto my feast. Advised by the Wisdom of Ages, accompanied by conceptualizations, I journey this realm of wonders seeking evermore knowledge with which to enlighten myself and others. There is a learned, if not instinctual, understanding of forces before which all people are in awe and helplessness, so to speak: earth, air, fire, water—the seasons; the sun, moon, and stars—the Universe.


The trap, net, and web of Manipulation


The forest is free and vibrant; yet, as a beast, if one is not careful, he or she can fall into a trap of Manipulation.
The sea is free and flowing; yet, as a fish, if one is not careful, he or she can get snared in a net of Manipulation.
The air is free and clear; yet, as an insect, if one is not careful, he or she can become enmeshed in a web of Psychological Manipulation.

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